The fact of the matter is that even in our limited modern existence, human beings have created a lot of underground facilities ourselves. Entire mountains have been hollowed out. It is rumored and largely believed that the military in the US and around the world has underground bases all over the place. US patents exists for technology that makes holowing out these areas fairly simple. Check out areas such as the Denver Airport or the huge compound being built in the Ozarks for examples of what human beings - with our supposedly limited technology - can do with a little perseverance.
Also, keep in mind that it is largely understood that our government agencies and military factions have access to technology decades or even centuries more advanced than what is known to be in existence by the general public.
Here are a few examples of known (or presumed) underground facilities in the US, as well as patent information regarding the technology that can be used to create these bases.
Boring Machine Tech
Here are some photos and links regarding boring machine technology known to be in existence. Much of this is well known, but not often spoken about. The government prefers people to believe that if we want to tunnel under the earth, we need to make a big production of doing so. That there would be a lot of evidence of such projects, in the form the earth that was removed.
The fact of the matter is that these kinds of things can go on virtually undetected.
If you are into geology or have simply been keeping up on strange recent goings on, take a few moments to consider all of the strange booming noises that have become so commonplace in the US over the last few years. Or the earthquakes the USGS is now labeling as 'quarry blasts' on their earthquake tracking site - despite the fact that most of these quarries have been in existence for generations and have cause no such disturbances in the past.
Check it out, and come to your own conclusions.
The Sauder Report Notes From The Underground
US Patent High Speed Drilling Machine
Known/Presumed US Underground Bases
There are many known/presumed underground military or quasi-military bases in the US. Many of these bases are quite secretive in nature, and in many cases the existence of these bases are completely denied by TPTB. That being said, there have been many leaked reports and credible eye-witness statements by civilians and ex-military members alike that attest to their existence. In addition to being well known to those who have an interest in the subject matter, it is also understood that these bases are connected by an intricate network of underground tunnels which allow those with access to easily travel between them without ever coming up for air.
As you can see, the Southwestern US is home to a vast array of these bases. If you compare this map to previous maps of UFO siting frequencies, you will note some very strong correlations.
Some of these underground bases are more notorious than others. Here are a couple of the most widely discussed in the so-called conspiracy theory world.
Groom Lake/Area 51
This is pretty much the epitome of the UFO cover-up conspiracy, as well as secret US bases in general. Located south of Las Vegas, Nevada, this government base is a not-so-well-kept secret.
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Groom Lake/Area 51 Satellite |
The above-ground portions of the base are kept well away from prying eyes, and access roads are clearly marked with clear threats of bodily harm or death for trespassers who dare to get too close. It is reported that employee access to the base is via private plane, and very hush-hush. The base in part of the so-called Groom Box of restricted airspace, which measures roughly 23x25 miles. The base itself is something like 6 miles by 10 miles and has been in use since roughly WWII.
The base, in its desolate splendor, was the perfect place for the government to conduct top-secret military aircraft experiments and it houses many large hangers for secret projects. Many current military aircraft were said to be developed in secrecy on the base, and the testing of these craft is was likely largely responsible for a large portion of the many, many UFO sightings reported in the area.
Of course, UFO enthusiasts don't believe that it was simply government technology being hidden/tested/developed at Area 51. Many people believe that this base was the ultimate resting place of the craft debris and potentially ET pilots that crashed in Roswell in 1947. It is widely believed that many of the US government's high-tech aircraft were actually reverse engineered from what was brought back from Roswell - although this, of course, was never confirmed.
Much of the information about what supposedly went on at Area 51 was released to the public by a whistle blower by the name of Bob Lazar.
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Bob Lazar |
Bob Lazar claimed (and still claims) to have been an employee of the Area 51 base, involved in reverse engineering technology. In 1989 he gave an infamous interview outlining what he claimed was going on at the Area 51 facility. Of course, no government entity has ever confirmed his employment or involvement in such projects. Either way, the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, and the legend of Area 51 would never be the same.
Dugway, Utah
After the Top-Secret Area 51 base became much less Top-Secret, the government needed a new place to conduct experiments and create new technology. Established in 1941 as a location to test chemical and biological weapons, Dugway Proving Grounds in Western Utah was the perfect location to move stealth testing and development. Currently (as of February, 2014), Dugway Proving Grounds and the conjoining Utah Test and Training Range are the largest military space in the US. These combined facilities are huge - over 800,000 acres and still growing - and they are heavily guarded. They are also located in an excellent location if you want to remain secretive - the base is surrounded by mountain ranges on 3 sides and is very remote.
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Rare aerial photo of Dugway taken from restricted airspace |
It is also well guarded and nearly impossible to permeate.
It is officially manned by the US Airforce, and locals will tell you that the skies above are often permeated by strange sights. The area also has a history of other random so-called paranormal phenomenon, such as cattle mutilations. Remember, this area was used for a lot of not-so-good military weapons testing decades ago, so people have every reason to believe that the very soil is contaminated with some not so great substances. Chemical, biological and perhaps even nuclear weapons were tested in this location.
Dugway Proving Ground Survivors
Perhaps contamination is the official story that the government gives out as it continues to buy up and restrict land surrounding Dugway Proving Grounds, but many people believe that this isn't the real reason they are trying to buy up more and more property.
Many people have labeled Dugway "Area 52."
What does this mean?
It's highly suspected that the most Top Secret government testing in the nation today goes on at Dugway - which is a great reason to own as much of the surrounding land as possible.
It keeps the sight-seers from seeing too much.
As it currently stands, though, people do sight-see. The problem is that you can't get too close. If you try, you will find yourself quickly removed from the area by unmarked Dugway thugs. And don't even try to bring recording to take video of what you might see. If you get caught, your photos and videos will be confiscated, and legally so.
Not to mention that most of the work and testing now done at Dugway is now done by "Independent Civilian Contractors" rather than official government entities.
Because these civilian contractors are exempt from FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests. This means that while they may be funded by your tax dollars, these black projects can't be legally snooped upon by the general public through legal channels.
On top of that, it has been observed by people that what above ground at Dugway may be merely the tip of the iceberg. Vehicles have been observed disappearing into thin air as they drive along the desert roads - but this is highly unlikely. What is more logical is that they drive into secret entrances to the underground base that makes up the majority of the Dugway facility.
Dulce Base
One of the most infamous places in all UFO and secret-government lore is the Dulce Base, supposedly located inside of Archuleta Mesa in Dulce, New Mexico.
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Archuleta Mesa |
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Drawing of Dulce Base Interior Levels |
This base is largely tied to a lot of the cattle mutilation phenomenon, and there have been rumors of wars between human and non-human beings inside of the mesa.
Los Alamos
Site Y of the Manhattan Project and the facility in which the atomic bomb was designed and built, this base needs no real introduction. As you can see on the previous map, it settles in quite nicely with the other mentioned bases and is believed to be interconnected with them via underground tunnels.
Denver Airport
While you may not think of the Denver Airport as an underground facility, the fact of the matter is that there has been a lot associated with this airport that just doesn't make sense. From apocalyptic murals to a multitude of sub-basements, there is more going on here than meets the eye.
The Ozarks
Another area that many believe is being cultivated as an underground base/facility is in the Ozarks of Arkansas and Missouri (to name a couple of states, the mountains extend much further geographically). Currently, a 72,000 sq. ft. mansion is being built in the middle of these mountains, on top of miles upon miles of underground caverns that are now being sealed off from the public and purportedly expanded extensively to turn the already humongous dwelling into a city-sized underground compound.
Called Pensmore and owned by billionaire Steven Huffs (a 60-something with ties to the CIA and the Illuminati who made his fortune in software development), this 'castle' is more like a fortress and is completely out of place in the area. No one can explain what it's there for, and local communities have become what many have referred to as "Illuminati Central" complete with inordinately high numbers of banking institutions popping up and other odd goings-on. The building and tunneling in this area is believed by many locals to be the source of many of the strange booms and oddly-frequent earthquakes suddenly popping up in the area.
The Rabbit Hole
In conclusion, these are only a very small number of the known underground facilities and bases in the US. These are largely modern, and they are in use underneath our feet. There are entire cities worth of activity going on below us all the time - people are simply oblivious to the fact that it is happening.
My assertion is that if these things can be occurring underneath us now, and most of these facilities have been constructed in a few short decades, why is it so implausible to believe that there could be entire societies of more advanced beings living unknown to humanity a few feet, meters or miles below the surface??
It is really that difficult to believe?
Indeed, if we are truly sharing technology with these beings - which seems highly probable given the huge advances in human technology over the last 100 or so years, the last 60 in particular - what could they possibly want in return??
I believe the answer is access to an unlimited supply of lab rats.
Indeed, if these beings were able to evolve for millions of years, uninterrupted by natural disasters and extinction events, it is very likely that we can't even begin to imagine how intelligent or technologically advanced they could possibly be.
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