Wednesday, February 26, 2014

They are Pulling out ALL the Stops Now

So I came across something today that is really tying together the weirdness of our world today.  I know I sound like a crackpot to a lot of people, but this is a huge and blatant example of what I have been saying about humans being used as chattel and lab rats and that we are little more than property of the state,

Check this out Man’s medical condition leads to indefinite detention, forced medication.

Take some time to fully comprehend what has happened in this situation.

Then factor in that this guy is from Alaska, which has a long history of US government military secret bases and a lot of psy-op and other black ops military crap has reportedly gone up there.  Another good resource is this site DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES IN AMERICA.

Stuff is happening right under our noses.  This has gone beyond the government and their super-secret allies kidnapping children and putting their faces on milk cartons. They are openly taking people and holding them and displaying their power to do with us what they will.

Now, we have Obamacare.  Every American with insurance sounds great, but then you realize the same people who are behind every dirty horror show in this nation's history is going to have access to your medical information, is paying off your doctors, has the FDA and AMA in their pockets and can pretty much do with you and your children what they want - and it's not just legal, it's MANDATORY.

All of these people who have been collaborating with each other since this whole Republic got off the ground now control your medical information and your medical care and have the power to determine that neither you nor your family know better for you than your doctor - who is financed  and controlled by the government and funded with your tax money.

What the fuckity fuck, folks?

This is the real deal.  They aren't even hiding it any more.  They're just rolling it out in rural areas first.

If it can happen to Bryon Bohn, it can happen to you.  Or your child.

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