Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Truth About Extraterrestrials

If you are reading this, chances are you already have some sort of opinion about ET's.  You may or may not believe they are here, flying around in their saucers, checking us out, abducting us, farming us or perhaps even terraforming our planet to make it their own.

The truth is that the idea that we are not alone in this universe has been around forever.  I goes back to the first religions, and in reality all deity-based religions imply that there are beings superior to humans roaming the cosmos.  Reports of UFO's go back centuries and depictions of flying discs can be found in artwork and other depictions almost as far back as has been recorded by humans. 

People have been seeing these craft virtually forever.  While some of us may believe the idea that this is a modern phenomenon, something we believe only because of Orson Wells' infamous War of the Worlds broadcast or because of what we've heard about the Roswell incident, nothing could be further from the truth.

UFO's and otherworldly beings permeate ancient legends and mythology.  They are the basis of not only old-world religions but modern faiths as well. 

Today, despite the fact that most of us have either seen or know someone who has seen a UFO, despite the fact that recording devices have gotten better and more and more anomalous sightings have been recorded and reported, our culture largely dismisses these sightings as figments of overactive imaginations.


Why are these things not being taken seriously?

In my opinion, the reason they are not investigated by the governments of the world is because our leaders already know exactly what is going on. 

And it's not what they want you to believe.

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