Sunday, February 23, 2014

Down the Rabbit Hole

Is it possible that the general population could really have been sold out by our leaders for use as guinea pigs by a more advanced race?

I believe so.

Indeed, I believe that there is a lot of evidence to suggest that the higher levels of US and Global government are simply out for themselves.  This goes back to the whole idea of the Illuminati and that your average citizen is already little more than chattel in the eyes of the people running the show.

Don't believe me?

Look into the story of history that we've been sold and force fed through US public education.

In a nutshell, we were never EVER "liberated" from Britain.

The Crown still owns us, always has, always will.

Indeed, the British Crown (Queen Elizabeth II) owns a full 1/6 of the non ocean surface land on the planet.  That is roughly 6,600 MILLION acres of land.

Do you REALLY think this empire let a plumb jewel like the US slip out of its grip back in 1776??

The truth of the matter is that it was all smoke and mirrors.

Sure, the Revolutionary War happened, but the fact remains that there are a few notable families that have been running the show both in Britain and in Colonial America and continue to do so to this day.

Our freedom is an illusion, and it is drummed into our heads by a socialist educational system that rewrites history and cherry-picks the highlights it wants us and our children to know a la 1984 Orson Welles.

The truth is that we have been systematically lied to about everything, why should our place in the natural order of the earth be any different?

These people who are enslaving us don't give a shit about our well-being or our happiness or our children or how we feel or whether we live or die.  They care about themselves, their family name, their bloodlines.

Why is that?

Could it be that they know that there IS something special about a pure bloodline, something that biologically differentiates us from them?

Regardless, they have infiltrated every high-level government office, a web of ridiculousness business and political posts that make the phrase 'conflict of interest' seem almost obsolete.  They blatantly and flagrantly manipulate and control our media, our educational and policing systems, and most recently our healthcare and medicine.  They are taking over our food and water supplies as well.

What makes anyone, for a single second, think that these people would be above lying to all of humanity and allowing us (the general human population) to be used as lab rats or cattle for some higher form of life that lives on this planet and has always lived on this planet, in exchange for being left alone themselves?

Riddle me that, dear reader.

And for those of you who think I am paranoid, take a look around you for one moment.

Really open your eyes.

Google Monsanto or take a moment and watch Food, Inc.

Look into the Nestle Corporation's attempt to harvest and own all of the water on the planet and sell it back to us.

For that matter, do some research on fluoride in your drinking water.  Here are some resources to get you started.

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